Student Career Readiness, Social-Emotional Learning, & Whole-school Success Program
ThriveOn Concepts has partnered with Indigo, a company that personalizes in the educational experience of middle and high school students. With this partnership, we support student success, retention, social-emotional health, and career readiness by assessing their behaviors, motivators, and career readiness skills.
Self-awareness: To Know Yourself
Empathy: To Know Your Team
Freedom: To Know Your Possibilities

ThriveOn Concepts & Indigo Program
Empower educators working with grades 7-12, higher ed, and adult education to create student responsive cultures and maximize their strengths for the benefit of all.
We impact your...
Indigo Assessments
IndigoActivate Online College & Career Prep course
Master Activation Plan “MAP”
Resource Database
IndigoDiscover AI Platform
Student Engagement Highlights
Automated Teaming
Over 100 curriculum-based activities
Career advising suggestions
High Potential Entrepreneur List
Social Emotional Support List
We engage with your...
IndigoDiscover AI Platform
Leadership consulting planning and strategy sessions*
Longitudinal data collection and basic analysis
Indigo Assessments included for staff too!
Indigo Team-building Workshop*
Training on IndigoDiscover*
Ongoing phone and web support
Indigo Solutions
AI Enabled, Student-centered Technology

The most accurate human survey on the market.
Only 45 minutes Online. The algorithms within Indigo Assessment provide whole child and whole school data insights available nowhere else.
Deep answers at the touch of a button.
Powered by AI, not only can you get to know each individual, you can look at teams, grades, classes, schools, and districts with IndigoDiscover’s data analytics.

Meaningful college and career readiness.
IndigoActivate is easy to implement, takes very little educator time and meaningful solution for your state mandated college and career readiness requirements.
*Trainings are usually conducted virtually via web-based video conference. In-person workshops are available.
85% of students rate their
results as “highly accurate” and
report increased confidence
in their future after taking and
reviewing their results.
93% of administrators report using Indigo data from the IndigoDiscover Platform to make strategic decisions.
90% of students would recommend that other students take IndigoActivate.